Burn More Calories (Without Breaking a Sweat)!

Authored by Adam Sherman When people are trying to stay fit or lose a few pounds, they often think about treadmills, bicycles, or the dreaded run on hot pavement. Most would never consider aqua jogging as an alternative exercise that can raise your heart rate, increase your endurance, and burn high sums of calories. When the weather gets a bit steamy, why not turn to the water to stay cool and burn as many calories as a long jog? I love spending as much time in the water as possible during the summer months. If I can use the...
7 Powerful Exercises for Fast Fat Burning

I don’t know about you, but I hate to be caught in the gym when the weather outside is beautiful. And walking and running in the heat and humidity is never my first pick. If you also are looking for a more manageable way to sculpt your body, try the cool and easy way: the pool. And no, I’m not talking about swimming endless laps, which to be perfectly honest, I’m not very good at. So what’s the benefit of exercising in the water? First, water provides the perfect natural resistance; it has the benefit of less impact on...